Booking and Contributions to Camp



We aim to be as inclusive as possible. Please review our Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Policy for more details of how we are trying to ensure equal accessibility. 

If there is any reason why you feel you won’t be able to meet the requests for practical or financial contributions (below), or any other things that may make camp more accessible for you, please let us know below and we will contact you to discuss what strategies may support you.
It would help us to know explicitly if you have any physical, mental or neurological impairments or disabilities (including neurodiversity) or if you consider yourself vulnerable for any reason. That is of course, if you feel this will affect your accessibility of camp and if you are willing and able to provide details within your Booking Form! If you do, this will support us to implement our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy as well as any obligations we need to meet under Health and Safety regulations (for example, we will need to add any specific adjustments to our Risk Assessment!)


Practical Contributions:- Meals and Cooking

Eating together is a way to make and build our connections and our community, having all food made together also relieves us as individuals from having to make all our own meals. In order to make it as much of a community event as possible and to keep the camp affordable for as many people as possible we ask everyone to take their turn in the kitchen helping to prepare a meal. 


This is likely to mean each person at camp helping to prepare one meal over the course of the week, for most meals this will take 2-3 hours, for those who may be worried about their cooking ability please do not worry as all the recipes and ingredients are provided and most of what needs doing is just peeling and chopping vegetables.

We will also need people to serve meals and wash up in the kitchen, each of these tasks will take about 20-30 minutes, and everybody will need to do each task once over the week.

The camp provides 3 meals a day, plus hot and cold drinks, and fruit to snack on.

Financial Contributions

The camp aims to be affordable for as many people as possible.  This year we have restructured our sliding scale for adults and children based on our new venue and the costs of running camp there. 

We are a non-profit camp, no one is paid or makes a profit from being at or organising the camp.

Please choose the amount you are willing to contribute from the sliding scale below.

We encourage you to choose the highest amount you can both afford and give with a full yes.

We aim to make the camp available to anyone who would like to attend and any extra money you are able to contribute will help to facilitate this and ensure the long term viability of the camp.

The amounts below are all inclusive (with exception to any separate ‘non-camping’ accommodation that you book directly with Braziers). The price includes all your camping fees, 3 meals a day plus hot and cold drinks, plus all the facilities at camp, e.g. marquee, bell tents and frame tents for workshops, firewood etc.

You can reserve your place at camp with a £50 deposit per adult paid upon application, with the balance due by end April 2025.

Adults: Financial contribution between £240 – £490.

This range considers the camps minimum required contribution per adult to ensure the camp is sustainable as well as creating opportunity for the community where willing and able to support concessions to those who cannot afford the minimum contribution, so we can make camp and NVC as accessible as possible.


Children’s pricing:

  • Under 5’s are free
  • 6 to16 years old – Sliding scale financial contribution between £120 – £250 (again, paying even a small amount over the minimum supports us to offer concessions to young people who may not otherwise be able to afford to attend).

A £50 deposit per adult is due upon application with the balance due by end April 2025. 

Bookings are on a first come first served basis and upon payment of the deposit.

We have an upper limit in terms of maximum number of attendees, which may affect our ability to accept all applications.


Refund Policy

Booking forms will be subject to an initial review (in accordance with our ‘Agreements and Intentions’ principles and our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy. If for any reason we cannot accept a booking, a refund of the deposit will be made to (we will aim to do so within a maximum of 2 weeks).

For all other circumstances where a refund may be requested:

We will aim to make refunds of deposits  (where required) possible before the end of March. Between April and May, whether a refund is possible and if so, how much of the refund that could be granted, will be looked at on an individual basis with affordability in mind and will be made at the sole discretion of the Organising Team.

No refunds will be possible from May 1st onwards (when the balance to the venue is due) in line with our contract with Braziers, and the steeper financial liabilities upon us as individuals, from that point.


No dogs are allowed on the campsite, unfortunately, in accordance with our contract with Braziers Park.

There are of course exceptions relating to accessibility relating to any physical impairment, but we will need to know as early as possible in order to manage this with the venue.

Send your payment by online transfer to:

Mrs Amy Wilson

Sort code: 11-02-01

Account number: 17548363